Quantum mechanics is immune to the butterfly effect!

August 27, 2020

'The Butterfly Effect' is an idea that said a small change of a complex system can lead to a great impact. The term comes from Ray Bradbury's 1952 science fiction story 'A Sound of Thunder', a character use a time machine to travel back in the past where he stepped on a butterfly. After coming back to the present world, he found a fully different world than before. A simple change in the past can change the future drastically according to the 'Butterfly Effect'.But physicist Sinitsyn & his colleague Bin Yan proved that there is no Butterfly Effect in the quantum realm.

To test the butterfly effect in the quantum system, they used a complex IBM-Q quantum system where they slightly changed things by applying some quantum gates, with forwards & backward cause & effect. They found that the local information didn't damage by the minor tampering in the system. The experiment proves that the butterfly effect doesn't apply in the quantum realm & if we changed minor things in the past, it won't affect that much in the future. Nature has its own way to heal herself from minor tempering.


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